May 2020
Brit Hadashah Reflections
Brit Hadashah Reflections 32
Hebraic understanding Hebrews and Revelation
Revelation seals and trumpet judgments (a review)
This is a part of Scripture which is avoided by many people because of its seeming complexity. It is the only book in our Bible attributed to Yeshua Ha’mashiach Himself. Written by the Apostle John late in his life during a visionary encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. At times John is prompted, even directed, by the Lord to write what he is witnessing. One can only guess at the amazing spectacle of being so directed. What he describes is sometimes very difficult to imagine. There are quite unusual events and situations, such as have never before been encountered by mankind, to be considered, evaluated, and reckoned with. But it all comes with a promise!
Over the last few weeks we have been alerted, in our ‘reflections’, to a series of major events which are destined to occur as this present age comes to a cataclysmic close. They are events which are almost unimaginable to our humanly ordered mind. This week I choose to ‘reflect’ on them again, in the order they are presented to us in this Spirit inspired vision given to the Apostle John. There was lament in heaven because no-one was found to break open the ‘seals’. No-one to utter the dire warnings of things to come so that people on this earth may be warned and prepare themselves. Then Yeshua, our Saviour, having conquered sin and death, who was dead and is alive, returned to take His place in the very throne room of God. He is the One who opened the seals.
(The timing of the “seals” and the “trumpets” covers the period of the last seven years for this age. It seems likely that the turning point, whilst in evidence from the second and third “seals”, comes with a vengeance at the sounding of the fourth seal. This would appear to be the commencement of the final 3 ½ years, which we identify as ‘the great tribulation’. Daniel’s seventieth week.)
The first seal. A man appears on a White Horse. Friendly, compassionate, a man of peace. The man who we can all later recognize as Anti-Christ is revealed. Most of the people will be deceived by him.
The second seal. The same man appears on a Red Horse. Symbolic of a man of war. Disruptive, divisive, pitting man against his neighbour. The ‘man of peace’ is peaceful no longer. Anti-Christ begins his destructive work.
The third seal. Now he rides a Black Horse. Famine and hardship. Those not bearing his mark on their bodies denied the right to buy food. The martyrs of the tribulation begin to mount up. They will reign with the risen Lord Yeshua in the millennial kingdom on earth.
The fourth seal. See Anti-Christ now on a Pale Horse. Death is visited upon one fourth of the earth’s population. Terror reigns. Fear is the weapon used to subdue people. No-one is safe from this ‘beast’ of death.
The fifth seal. The martyrs are identified, their souls resting under the shadow of the heavenly altar. “How much longer O Lord?” is their cry. But the end is not yet. They are given robes of white, identifying their status. The full number of these martyrs still to be brought.
The sixth seal. Natural disaster wreaks more havoc on earth as the full quota of death is visited upon a wicked world. Then another seal is produced in heaven. The seal of God as the one hundred and forty four thousand of the twelve tribes are sealed for God’s purpose. Heaven rejoices in worshipful glory, but on earth complete fear and trembling.
The seventh seal. Total silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then seven angels are handed a trumpet each. At his appointed hour the trumpets will be sounded, and that will herald a new round of disaster for those remaining alive on the earth.
The first trumpet. Hail, fire and blood descends. One third of the earth’s vegetation is destroyed.
The second trumpet. Something like a burning mountain falls into the sea. One third of all sea creatures die. One third of all ships are destroyed.
The third trumpet. A great fiery like star falls to the ground. One third of the rivers are contaminated and many die from drinking the water.
The fourth trumpet. The earth is darkened as one third of the sun, the moon, and the stars are dimmed.
The fifth trumpet. Also sometimes known as the first “woe” introduces the locust like creatures rising from the ‘bottomless pit” bringing great torment to those not protected by 'the seal of God'.
The sixth trumpet. The second “woe”. One third of all mankind will be put to death during this devastating plague of fire, smoke, and brimstone.
The seventh trumpet. A victory trumpet. The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord. However, there is still another “woe” to come. That is when the ‘bowls of the wrath of God’ are released. And there are seven of them before the end.
It is not comforting reading is it? But it is a solemn warning for any who know that what God says, God will do. Get yourself ready and prepared.
Shabbat Shalom
Torah Reflections “Shavuot”
Torah Reflections “Shavuot”
Torah portions Exodus 19:1 to 20:23 and Numbers 28 :26 - 31
Haftarah portion Ezekiel 1 : 1-28 and 3 : 12
The Torah of YHWH given to Moses
Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 have the commandments about annual observances of the “mo’edim”. (The Hebrew word for “appointed times”, which in turn is usually translated into English as “feasts”). These are times when God specified He would meet with His chosen ones.
Today, they are most often referred to as “Jewish Feasts”. That correctly describes the fact that they are observances remembered by Jews. But it is an incorrect understanding of the Scriptures.
When God gave these instructions to Moses, He carefully worded these ‘appointed times’ (mo’edim) as MY ‘mo’edim’. They may be characterized as times when God says, in effect, “I will be there to meet with you on these specific occasions”. Those who choose not to attend miss an opportunity of blessing through meeting with Him at His invitation.
This ‘appointed time’ is fixed in relation to Pesach. Seven Sabbaths plus one day later.( In the Christian reckoning, it is called “Whitsun” and is seven weeks after Palm Sunday, but it bears no relationship at all to the ‘mo’ed’ of the Lord specified in Leviticus 23.) Some pretty exciting things happened at Shavuot, and the festival (also known as the Feast of Weeks) figures most significantly in the prophetic calendar as it relates to Yeshua.
Firstly, by Jewish calculation, and there is good evidence for it, this was the time when Moses was on the mountain communing with the Lord and receiving the instructions for righteous living, which we know as Torah. (see Exodus 19:1) That, in my view is cause enough to celebrate. The very Word of God, which is ‘sharper than any two-edged sword’, came to us at this time of the year. An immeasurable blessing. My Bible tells me that Moses spoke “all that the Lord had told him” and wrote it in a book.(Exodus 24: 3 and 7). More importantly, that was the exact time that the first covenant was sealed, when the people voluntarily agreed as they said “all that the Lord has said we will do, and be obedient”.
Secondly, according to Acts 1, Yeshau returned to His Father 40 days after his resurrection from the grave. But He told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem. Just 10 days later was the festival of Shavuot. Jerusalem was overflowing with people, there for the festival from all over the known world (as it is today for the three pilgrimage festivals). Then came a sound ‘like a mighty rushing wind’. The Comforter, the Holy Spirit of God, the One who points to Messiah, was sent to minister His blessing to those who would receive it.
The disciples, already emboldened at meeting the resurrected Lord Yeshua, were imbued with power from on high. No longer the ‘shrinking violets’ who were shattered by the death of Yeshua on that cruel Roman cross. They spoke boldly to the throngs of people in the Temple courtyard, and miracle of miracles, the foreigners present all heard these fishermen from Galilee speaking in their own several languages. It is almost impossible to imagine. But by the power of the Holy Spirit of God, over three thousand were added to the company of believers that very day. Now that surely is another reason to celebrate.
But there’s more!! Both events related above did not stop.
Today, we have the precious Holy Scriptures, written in so many of the world’s languages. The faithful Jews who were entrusted with those Scriptures have carefully preserved them for our blessing and instruction down through the ages. In the early days, meticulously copying by hand every ‘jot and tittle’. Every yod and vav.
The Holy Spirit of God is alive and well in the earth today. His role on earth is to point us to Messiah Yeshua, by any and all means possible. He brings strength to the ‘weary’, comfort to the ‘afflicted’, guidance to those who seek, and blessing to all who ask.
So if any still wonder why we should celebrate Shavuot, I trust that this ‘reflection’ will provide some answers. But there is a much greater and compelling reason. God commanded it. His promise, is included in the introductory remarks of this ‘reflection’. He will be there to meet all who come. It is a special time. It has never been revoked.
You will be blessed as you meet together and thank Him for His unspeakable gift.
Shabbat Shalom
Brit Hadashah Reflections
Brit Hadashah Reflections 31
Hebraic understanding Hebrews and Revelation
This is a part of Scripture which is avoided by many people because of its seeming complexity. It is the only book in our Bible attributed to Yeshua Ha’mashiach Himself. Written by the Apostle John late in his life during a visionary encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. At times John is prompted, even directed, by the Lord to write what he is witnessing. One can only guess at the amazing spectacle of being so directed. What he describes is sometimes very difficult to imagine. There are quite unusual events and situations, such as have never before been encountered by mankind, to be considered, evaluated, and reckoned with. But it all comes with a promise!
The angel, from whom John had taken the ‘little book’ and ate it, told John that he would “prophecy again about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings.” And so it seemed that John was being prepared for that task. He was given a ‘measuring rod’ and instructed to “measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.” However, he was clearly told NOT to measure the outer court because that would be given over to the Gentiles to be trampled underfoot for three and one half years. So we should attempt here to identify to which temple this refers.
The Temple which Yeshua knew in Jerusalem, had been destroyed by the Romans about 20 years before John had this vision. We know from Daniel 9:27 that the one identified as Anti-Christ, will demand to be worshipped in a temple in Jerusalem, so we conclude that a new temple will be built before these things can occur. Ezekiel also describes a temple (Ezekiel 40 -48) which is of massive scale, and obviously not yet in existence. Scholars and others have tried to identify the relationship (if any) between these two future temples. A possible crucial clue may be found in Daniel 8:14. This declares that the temple which is “trampled underfoot for 2,300 days”, and desecrated by Anti-Christ “will be cleansed”. That means that it could again be used for proper and regular worshipful activity. In the temple described by Ezekiel, there are several square miles of outer court!! It is generally understood that this will be the temple in use during the earthly millennial reign of Messiah Yeshua. But the study of the various temples mentioned in Scripture is a subject in its own right, and other than the remarks already made, I will not attempt to cover that topic in this ‘reflection’.
We are then advised that there will be TWO witnesses who will prophecy (at this time) for 1260 days. That is very close to the three and one half years we are familiar with in relation to the great tribulation. Daniels 70th week (seven years) is divided into two 3 ½ year periods in which the “man of peace” will make a peace treaty with Israel and the Nations. Now during this time, the two witnesses will be protected to go about their task, and they will possess supernatural powers. Their prophetic pronouncements against the unrepentant on the earth will be a source of great anguish for them, and they will be severely challenged as a result. However, after the 1260 days the two witnesses will be overcome and will be killed and their bodies will be left in the streets to rot. This will be cause for much rejoicing on the earth over their demise. There will be unbridled celebration among the unrepentant.
This is not easy to understand and the reasons are somewhat obscure. Never-the less, after 3 ½ days, to the dismay and horror of these joyous celebrants, the two witnesses will be restored to life. In amazement, the people will hear a loud voice calling the two witnesses to heaven. Then without further warning, the two witnesses will be transported, in a cloud, much as Yeshua was in Acts 1, into heaven. A great earthquake will occur. Seven thousand people will die instantly, a tenth of the city will be wrecked, and then, at last, those left on the earth will recognize that God Almighty is to be praised. He is the one in control. Immediately, the angel sounded the seventh trumpet. At last. The time has come.
“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and Saviour, and He shall reign forever and ever.” The battles are won. Satan has been defeated. There is great rejoicing, praise and worship of Almighty God. He has established His authority. But there is still one more act to take place. We read about it much later in this prophetic Book of Revelation. Satan has still to meet his ultimate destiny.
At this stage however, we, whose trust is in Him, could join with the twenty four elders in their rejoicing. The events are still future, but the promise of God can be relied upon. “We give you thanks O Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was and who is to come. Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.”
Despite currently being in isolation, we live our lives today in relative tranquillity and comfort. It is not difficult to avoid the prospect of dealing with what we have just read. We blot it out. It is just too hard. But dear Christian friend, there are places in this world today, 2020, where similar atrocities are a way of life for believers. Join me in praying God’s mercy love, grace and Shalom to be with those so perilously challenged for their faith. Our turn might come, and sooner than we think.
Shabbat Shalom
Brit Hadashah Reflections
Brit Hadashah Reflections 30
Hebraic understanding Hebrews and Revelation
This is a part of Scripture which is avoided by many people because of its seeming complexity. It is the only book in our Bible attributed to Yeshua Ha’mashiach Himself. Written by the Apostle John late in his life during a visionary encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. At times John is prompted, even directed, by the Lord to write what he is witnessing. One can only guess at the amazing spectacle of being so directed. What he describes is sometimes very difficult to imagine. There are quite unusual events and situations, such as have never before been encountered by mankind, to be considered, evaluated, and reckoned with. But it all comes with a promise!
We are still in the period of the sixth trumpet sounded by an angel of God. That trumpet released four angels of Satan who were at the ready to bring great devastation, carnage, and loss of life. One third of the earth’s population slaughtered by a mighty army of two hundred million creatures who arose, like ‘locusts’, out of the ‘bottomless pit’. Those who remain on the earth are the ones who have steadfastly rejected the hand of salvation. Those who worship ‘the beast’, have taken his mark on their bodies, and are now completely in his control.
But then another angel of God appeared out of heaven. The description of this ‘mighty angel’ suggests a number of things. His task is very important in the context of the happenings which had just taken place. The rainbow on his head is indicative that his mission is a peaceful one, and his face and his feet are characteristic of the manner which has previously been descriptive of the risen Yeshua. But look! He is holding a booklet in his hand. His feet are spread so as to stand on both land and sea. His message is for all who are left. As he opened his mouth to speak, his voice was like seven thunders, and those seven thunders proclaimed a message. John quickly took up his pen to write the message, as he had been commanded to do previously, but immediately another voice came from heaven. From the reaction of the mighty angel, we may assume that voice to be the voice of Him who sits on the throne. “Do not write what you have just heard from the seven thunders.”
We can only speculate why. God is in absolute control and He had determined that the end was not to be revealed yet. But the mighty angel had been assigned a task. He had fulfilled that task. The programme of events were progressing according to plan. They still are. But God was not ready for John to reveal the next phase just yet. So He stopped him. The ‘mighty angel’ raised his hand to heaven. “Lord, do not delay any longer.” Can you hear him continue? “It is time for the seventh trumpet Lord.” The righteous had been tested and removed from the earth. The angel thought everything was ready for the mystery of God to be revealed. But God had one more thing for John to experience as he was consumed by this Spirit led vision of events to take place at the end of the age.
God spoke directly to John. “Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the land.” And He continued. “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.”
Wouldn’t it be good to know precisely what this means? And to have the interpretation of it clearly spelled out in our Bible? Well, yes it would. But God has not told us ‘precisely’, so we don’t know ‘precisely’ do we? And neither is there much of a clue in the text to give us a reasonable start to our investigation. Many commentators have bravely attempted an interpretation, but in all honesty, we are left to speculate if we require some explanation. It is a booklet, so it is not the Bible, which contains many books. It is not the “Lamb’s Book of Life” because that is never referred to as anything else. It is not a “NEW book of Scripture” as some have speculated (in the manner of the Book of Mormon, or the Quoran of Islam). Others, taking a cue from Revelation 9:20,21 have suggested that it is a book recording the sin of man, which appears sweet to some, but in the end goes horribly bitter in the end. Again we should take heed to the caution contained at the end of this Revelation, not to add to nor take away from, anything which is written herein. Best we leave it at that eh?
Finally, in our reading this week, the angel spoke to John about what he must do as a result of the experience he was having by being given this visionary guided tour of the heavens. “You must prophecy again about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings.” We all know that John the Apostle was a faithful prophet of God, having penned the gospel account which bears his name and had written three loving letters of encouragement to the saints on earth. His record is a good one. Certainly countless numbers of people can attest to that. One can only think that this is a statement of reference to this Book of Revelation, which might almost be considered to be all prophetic. It definitely refers to a time still future to us today, and possibly to generations still to come. The fact that we are ‘reflecting’ on it today is proof that John was faithful to the command of that angel on his visionary journey.
Shabbat Shalom
Brit Hadashah Reflections
Brit Hadashah Reflections 29
Hebraic understanding Hebrews and Revelation
This is a part of Scripture which is avoided by many people because of its seeming complexity. It is the only book in our Bible attributed to Yeshua Ha’mashiach Himself. Written by the Apostle John late in his life during a visionary encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. At times John is prompted, even directed, by the Lord to write what he is witnessing. One can only guess at the amazing spectacle of being so directed. What he describes is sometimes very difficult to imagine. There are quite unusual events and situations, such as have never before been encountered by mankind, to be considered, evaluated, and reckoned with. But it all comes with a promise!
Our human understanding leads us to see events in sequence as they are reported, but in this Book of Revelation, I believe that we are told of some events which are simultaneous, even though they are textually sequential. The events heralded by this fifth trumpet is one such. The ‘star’ fallen from heaven to earth is Satan himself. He is the one given the key of the ‘abyss’ (the bottomless pit). Remember the demon possessed Gadarene man? (Luke 8:38). Those demons begged Yeshua not to send them into that pit. The scene at the sounding of this fifth trumpet is at the beginning of the 42 months of the tribulation period, as, at “the end of this age”, things continue to go horribly wrong on the earth. The ‘smoke’ from the pit further darkens the scene which is already significantly dimmed at the previous trumpet call. Some, using a symbolic rather than an actual interpretation of these events, have equated this ‘darkness’ to the absence, on the earth, of the light of the righteous who have been slain because of their faith. It may even be a combination of both, but because of the dire warnings contained at the end of this Revelation, I prefer not to “add or take away” anything from the words as they appear.
From this pit there will arise ‘locusts’. There is enough of a description of these creatures to conclude that whilst their swarming and destructive behaviour may be similar, their appearance is quite different and their target is people. But the ‘faithful’ are protected from this torment by the 'seal of God', who do not yield to the ‘beast’ by having his mark on their body. They are certainly not like the locusts who plagued the Egyptians in Moses’ day (Exodus 10:14). And unlike the normal locust, who has no king (Proverbs 30:27) these are led and directed by one of Satan’s angels. This is graphically descriptive of the complete power on this earth which will be gained by Anti-Christ, ‘man of peace’, ‘the Beast’ who will deceive nations to trust him when he first appears. John was shown that these creatures have power, not to kill, but to harass, hurt, and torment men for five months. That is a very long test of endurance for those who remain ‘faithful’ to the Lord at the end of this age. The reward is eternal life in the presence of Him who sits on the throne. But the end is not yet. Two more angels have trumpets to sound!
The angel holding the sixth trumpet was summoned to his task. There are four other angels, securely bound, waiting for this call. The fact that they are ‘bound’ speaks of the fact that they are angels of Satan. But they cannot go about their task until the God appointed time. I find that so interesting. They are released to create great havoc. The word tells us that one third of the world’s population will perish at the hands of the armies commanded by these four angels. An army of two hundred million equipped and trained for slaughter. Their weapons, referred to as plagues in this passage of Scripture, are fire, smoke and brimstone. Staggering. In very broad terms that is equivalent to a world with no-one living in China and India combined!! Or perhaps a world with no-one alive in Europe, U.S.A., and Africa combined. The scale of the carnage is mind-boggling. And, my dear friends, it is written in God’s word. Treat it lightly at your peril.
The question that then remains is “Who are those who are not killed in this carnage?” Who are the two thirds that are left? The Scripture is quite unequivocal on this. One might be tempted to think of them as being the ‘favoured ones’. But that is not how they are described. They are ones who are unrepentant of their lifestyle choices. They are demon worshippers, idolaters, murderers, fornicators, adulterers, thieves, and the like. They are just like many walking our streets today. Outwardly joyful and self-confident, fulfilled, the ‘life and soul of the party’. Envied by many. But, they are destined to spend eternity in the ‘bottomless pit’ with their sin intact. A most unenviable situation brought about by wrong choices.
It is not difficult to see why many teachers shy away from the subject matter of this revelation because of the content of this exposition from John. It is horrible. It is depressing. It is avoidable and avoided because there is much else to teach. But it is also important. It is important because God wants us to know, to be prepared, to get ready, to resolve to endure to the end. It is important because it heralds life eternal …. in heaven … or in the bottomless pit. No middle ground.
And there is still another trumpet to sound! What will that bring? Be blessed as you continue to study God’s word, and we will shortly find out!
Shabbat Shalom
Brit Hadashah Reflections
Brit Hadashah Reflections 28
Hebraic understanding Hebrews and Revelation
This is a part of Scripture which is avoided by many people because of its seeming complexity. It is the only book in our Bible attributed to Yeshua Ha’mashiach Himself. Written by the Apostle John late in his life during a visionary encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. At times John is prompted, even directed, by the Lord to write what he is witnessing. One can only guess at the amazing spectacle of being so directed. What he describes is sometimes very difficult to imagine. There are quite unusual events and situations, such as have never before been encountered by mankind, to be considered, evaluated, and reckoned with. But it all comes with a promise!
“When He opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” That, to me, is an amazing observation. Bear in mind that the whole scene in heaven up till this moment was of loud praise and worship. Everyone there was intent on offering their verbal tributes to Him who sat on the throne and to the Lamb. Then silence. And for half an hour. Wow!! That is a long time to maintain silence with such a large gathering. But, as we will see, this is the calm before the storm! It is as though, as that seventh seal was opened, everyone knew what was about to take place, and held their breath waiting for the action to commence.
There were seven angels standing before the throne, each was given a trumpet. A golden altar stood in front of the throne, and another angel, who had a golden censer, was given much incense which, together with the prayers of the saints, he offered on that altar as a sacrifice to God. The smoke of the incense ascended before God. Then the angel took fire from the altar, put it into the censer and he threw it to the earth. Then the noise and the action commenced. Loud thunder, lightning, and an earthquake. The angels with the trumpets raised them to their lips.
There is a brief description of the chaos on earth at the breaking of the sixth seal. Men hiding themselves as best they could from the carnage taking place around them. But as the angels, in turn, begin to sound their trumpets, those trumpet sounds herald new horrific waves of destruction. It is not difficult to see why some people find this passage of Scripture so confronting, even to the point of denial. The events described are beyond our imagination, and with the possible exception of the “Sodom and Gomorrah” incident in Lot’s day, there has never been anything like it. That was localised. This is on a global scale. It is terrifying. But God in His infinite love, mercy and grace, is providing this warning. It will happen. Be prepared. These events are still future to us.
When the first trumpet sounded, there was great hail and fire mingled with blood. One third of the trees were burned up and all the grass caught fire and was consumed by it. (In recent years, in Israel, the terror group Hamas has sent hundreds of incendiary kites into Southern Israel, consuming thousands of acres of fertile crop land. It is most destructive. The event described here is on a global scale) At the very least, we can imagine that can’t we?
At the sound of the second trumpet “something like a great mountain burning” (we could equate it to a VERY large blazing meteorite) plunged from space into the sea “and a third of it turned into blood” (that is a LOT of sea). One third of all sea creatures killed. A third of all ships at sea lost (that would amount to about 18,000 ships today, and some millions of shipping containers cast into the sea!!)
The third trumpet brought catastrophe to rivers and streams. Fresh water contamination on a huge scale. The word “Wormwood” is used to describe this invasion from space. It is a word associated with ‘bitterness’. This phenomenon will be responsible for the death of many who drink this contaminated water.
There is so much of God’s bountiful provision on this earth which is taken for granted, almost as of a ‘right’ by all of us living on this planet. The events which John is witnessing in this visionary visit into the heavenlies should be enough to jog all mankind out of complacency. Instead, even within our ‘churches’ there are many who teach that these declarations of the coming “day of the Lord” are fanciful and fictitious. But, my friends, just as the Lord is fulfilling prophecies before our eyes in regard to Israel today, so in these events, He has a purpose. The purposes of God are to show mankind that “I AM THE LORD” (to quote His own words). In that day, there will be no more doubting.
The fourth trumpet will bring devastating consequences. One third of the sun, moon and stars darkened. The whole of this earth is sustained by the energy emitted by the sun. The resultant devastation is truly hard to quantify. And if that weren’t enough to cause men to cry out for mercy and relief, John was then shown another angel flying around heaven shouting with a loud voice. “Woe, woe, woe o the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels which are about to sound.” Can things get any worse? Well they can, and they will. It is no wonder that people WANT to believe that these things won’t happen. But these are the words of the living God. They are a warning. There is still time to get right with God. That is the blessing offered to those who read and take careful note of the words of this prophecy.
Shabbat Shalom