Weekly Prayer Points


Zion’s Voice meeting on 26th July 2024.


1.   Pray for a MIRACLE victory over the enemy very soon, as GOD did for Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967. Pray for angelic protection over all the borders with Gaza - Lebanon - Syria - the West Bank and Jordan, that every attempt to infiltrate and attack Israelis will be foiled. Isaiah 31:4-5


2.   Pray for justice, clarity, moral courage, discernment and divine strategies and wisdom from above for the government and military leaders. Joshua 1:6-9


3.   Please pray Devine protection for the pilots, over all of the IDF officers and soldiers inside Gaza, at the northern border and those operating in the West Bank and for the success of their missions.  Psalm 140:7–8


4.   Pray for the miraculous release of the rest of the hostages who have not yet been released and are still being held in Gaza. Also, please Pray for miraculous healing for all of the wounded soldiers and that there will be no more accidents or friendly fire incidents or accidental killing of hostages. Psalm 20:1.


5.   Pray for confusion in the camp of the enemy and the severing of communications between the enemies of Israel. Pray that all of the top level leaders of Hamas and the other Gaza terror organisations who are still alive, will be captured by Israel very soon. Pray that all of the tunnels and stockpiles of weapons in Gaza, on the northern border and in the West Bank will be exposed and destroyed. Exodus 14:24-25


6.   Pray that the LORD will reveal Himself and Messiah Yeshua to multitudes of Jews, Muslims, and people everywhere, through this conflict. Zechariah 12:2-10


7.    Pray for the people of Israel who are in a very difficult and challenging situation and just like living in biblical times, with prophecies about to come to pass. Jeremiah 30:7


****Pray in the spirit for the Revival/Glory to fill the land****