Weekly Prayer Points


Zion’s Voice meeting on 13th September 2024


1.   Pray for the Salvation of Israel - The Lord has appointed certain times of the year as special meeting times with His people Leviticus 23. We are in the month of Elul, approaching the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShannah/New Year), Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Traditionally this has been a time for calling the Jewish people to reflection and repentance, shofars are sounded daily throughout Israel. This is a wonderful opportunity to pray that the Lord would meet in a new way with His people Israel. LORD, reveal Yourself to Your people. Put a hunger in Your people that they may cry out to You for truth. Blow the trumpet in Zion, Joel 2:15-17. Lord, would You sound the trumpet during this season when each day the trumpet is sounded throughout the land, gathering Your people to You. And as they draw near to You, draw near and meet them. James 4:8


2.   Make the believers in the IDF a light for You. Give them the boldness to share the hope You have put within them. 1 Peter 3:15


3.    Bring back the children of believers who have strayed from the way. Malachi 4:6


4.    Pray for the Church in the nations, to stand before God's throne, pleading with Him to deliver His people - for His holy name's sake. Lord, thank You for the remnant in the Church already doing this. More, Lord, more! Open our eyes to see what You are doing today. Malachi 1:5.


5.     For peace upon Israel Psalm 122 and especially upon Jerusalem.


6.     Australia has about 100,000 Jews mainly in Melbourne and Sydney. Pray for God to call them home from the islands of the sea and the four corners of the earth. Isaiah 11:11-12


7.    Pray for Israel’s leaders to withstand international pressure - Pray that the outstretched arm of YHVH be upon Israel. Psalm 2


****Pray in the spirit for the Revival/Glory to fill the land****