Weekly Prayer Points


Zion’s Voice meeting on 14th February 2025


Prayer Points


1.     Pray that the LORD would remember HIS covenants and promises to keep Israel.  The waters will not overwhelm her. God will not give her as prey to their teeth. Psalm 124


2.     Pray for more watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, who would give You no peace day or night until You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth. Isaiah 62:6-7.


3.     Pray for confusion of the plans to attack innocent victims and for the Lord to bring to naught the false council of her enemies. Psalm 31:13-14


4.       Pray for Israel’s leaders, especially PM Netanyahu as he leads the nation during these turbulent times. Ask God to bless them with unity, to give them hearts to seek His plans for Israel and the courage to withstand the pressures of the world. Give PM a new resolve to lead this nation in line with Your written Word Joshua 1:6-9. Provide PM with counsellors who will help him guide Israel through these dangerous waters. Strengthen him to stand strong. 


5.      Please pray for spiritual rain. All Israel gets saved at a time of severe crisis and war Zechariah 12:10. Lord, reap a huge harvest to Yourself this weekend as they seek You.  Jeremiah 29:13. Open many eyes; circumcise many hearts - for Your holy name's sake Ezekiel 36:25-32. 


6.      Pray “That Israeli ears will be opened to hear the living Word.  There are many “winds” blowing in Israel right now (In Hebrew “wind” and “spirit” are the same word). Pray that believers in Israel will “have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the congregations.” Isaiah 55:5b. 


7.       Pray for the Aliyah - Pray for a longing and an aching in the hearts of Jewish people worldwide to desire to return to Israel. Israel flourishes when Aliyah increases. Pray for a continued exodus of Aliyah. Ezekiel 11:17 and Amos 9:14-15

****Pray in the spirit for the Revival/Glory to fill the land****