Weekly Prayer Points


Zion’s Voice meeting on 6th September 2024.


1.    Pray for the Salvation of Israel. This time is the month of Elul which is traditionally a time of preparation and reflection for Israel during Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets. This is the perfect time to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to His people. Isaiah 59:20


2.    Pray for Israel to reach out for God to send the Prince of peace – the only long-term answer. Isaiah 9:6. Pray for Israelis to put their trust in the Lord, their refuge and shield. Psalm 91:5


3.    Pray for the Global Church to understand Israel's place in God's plan. Pray that church will recognise God’s promises to Israel's forefathers.  Joshua 21:43-45, Joshua 23:14


4.    Pray that PM Netanyahu not be turned aside from the path the LORD has called him to walk as leader of Israel. Pray for the ability and boldness to make hard decisions. Bless PM with Your wisdom and authority. Isaiah 22:21


5.  Pray for the salvation of Israel  – This has been foretold in the Bible and will happen. This is our never-ending and continuous prayer until that day comes. Through our intercessory prayer, we are taking part in God’s power, which is carrying the Jewish people into their final divine destiny.  Romans 11:25-27


6.   Pray for the safety of all serving in the military. Pray for wisdom and the fear of God for the leadership of Israel 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Pray for a breakthrough in the negotiations to bring the hostages home, those who are still alive.


7.  Pray for the believing soldiers, that they may shine the light of the Messiah and witness His resurrection power. Psalm 91:5


****Pray in the spirit for the Revival/Glory to fill the land****