Weekly Prayer Points


Zion’s Voice meeting on 28th February 2025


1.    Pray for the Salvation of Israel. Pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to His people. Isaiah 59:20


1.   Pray for the government to seek God's guidance. May they be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Psalm 133. Wisdom, courage and strength for the leaders - Ezekiel 36:22-23


3.    Aliyah, the return of Jews to their land and nation, is biblically connected with God's glory. This is the reason why we continually ask God to bring His people home.  God be glorified by increasing the number of Jews returning to Israel this very season. Ezekiel 36:20-21, Ezekiel 36:23-24


4.    Pray that PM Netanyahu not be turned aside from the path the LORD has called him to walk as leader of Israel. Pray for the ability and boldness to make hard decisions. Bless PM with Your wisdom and authority. Isaiah 22:21


5.    Pray for Israel to reach out for God to send the Prince of peace – the only long-term answer. Isaiah 9:6. Pray for Israelis to put their trust in the Lord, their refuge and shield. Psalm 91:5


6.    Pray for the Global Church to understand Israel's place in God's plan. Pray that church will recognise God’s promises to Israel's forefathers.Joshua 21:43-45, Joshua 23:14


7.   Pray for the physical rescue of the rest of the hostages - Pray that the hostages will be released, for healing and strength for the wounded. Isaiah 59:1


****Pray in the spirit for the Revival/Glory to fill the land****